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Dedicated Desk
Book desks and storage units that will be exclusively reserved for you and your team within a shared space. Ideal for:
Independent consultants, Startups, Freelancers, Small Teams
Flexible Desk
Available on a first come, first serve basis in the community lounge, you can pick a workspace look of your choice and set up office.
Ideal for: Freelancers,Early-stage Startups,Small Teams,Travelling Consultants.
Find a desk, plug in, and get to work: Hot desks provide space for professionals to work as needed, in both private and shared office spaces. That means that the particulars for hot-desking may vary depending on the environment, but here are the primary factors to consider.
Bookable meeting rooms
Most hot-desking arrangements in shared coworking spaces allow you to book meeting rooms through Our website.
Printing facilities
Similar to booking conference rooms, hot-desking spaces often have a central printer that workers can use. These printers are managed by the community team in shared workspaces and internally by office managers in private environments.
Storing personal items
A frequently touted concern associated with hot-desking is the absence of a dedicated “base” for users to store their bags, coats, and work accessories. The way this is addressed changes between workspaces: In some coworking spaces, users are permitted to leave their belongings at a hot desk for a certain amount of time as they attend meetings or have lunch. Other shared spaces provide cubby holes or lockers for their hot-desk clientele. In private offices, it’s more common for an employee to camp out at the same desk for the whole day, regardless of meetings or lunch breaks.
Bathrooms, kitchens, and other common areas
As in most office environments, amenities like bathrooms and kitchens are included in a hot-desking arrangements and are cleaned, stocked, and maintained by office management. In all-inclusive solutions like WeWork, hot-desk agreements also give you access to free-flowing coffee, quiet rooms for meditation, showers, bathroom necessities like lotion and hair products, as well as perks like community meals and frequent networking events.
Private space when needed
Most professions call for some privacy during the workday, whether it’s for attending meetings, strategic planning, or discussing finances. These conversations are likely too sensitive for a hot desk, especially when you’re surrounded by people from other teams or other companies, and require a more private space.
Many studies have linked hot-desking to an increase in innovation and entrepreneurship. This comes, in part, from the flexibility afforded to hot desk users—they can work where and when inspiration strikes. It also occurs through knowledge-share, social interactions, and the decentralization of innovation processes in hot-desking environments. Discovering new ideas and processes happens naturally when you’re surrounded by a variety of expertise. Plus, the risk of burnout and project fatigue is reduced by an ever-evolving work environment.
Whether you’re freelancing for yourself or running a remote team, hot-desking helps drive productivity at different locations. It allows you to make bold business decisions—like expanding into new markets or employing the best talent remotely—unencumbered by the long-term commitment and costs of traditional office space. Finally, it exposes you to fresh opportunities for innovation while giving you access to a vibrant community of professionals.
Become a part of our growing community
People coming together as a community opens up new windows of opportunities for everyone. Working from coworking spaces gives you an access to a well-networked and vibrant community, regular events, mentor interactions and much more.
What is hot-desking?
Hot-desking is an organizational workspace system in which desks are used by different people at different times, on an ad hoc basis. Typically, the aim is to maximize space efficiency and lessen real estate risk by reducing redundant office space. Hot desks can be implemented in private offices as well as coworking spaces. The flexibility associated with hot-desking is often linked to an increase in employee innovation, while the social aspect is cited as a way to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration.
What is hot-desking and what are the benefits?
The benefits of hot-desking run deeper than convenience and flexibility, with intangibles like community and creativity further driving success
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Internet (High Speed Leased Line as primary & high speed broadband as backup).
Wi-Fi enabled premises.
Electricity with UPS backup.
Fresh Drinking Water.
Free unlimited Tea & Coffee.
Free usage of common areas (common balcony, discussion rooms & lounge).
Well-maintained toilets with toiletries.
Meeting rooms, Discussion rooms and Conference rooms are under the Policy of ‘Free to Use and Pay to Reserve’.
Full fledged kitchen with microwave, fridge & essential crockeries.
In-house security & maintenance staff.
Community benefits
The wholesome community of entrepreneurs, mentors and business evangelists at sos present you the opportunity to receive more than just a space to work.
Discover and share knowledge with other members, mentors, entrepreneurs. There’s a constant flow of information, experience and learning .
Learn and teach the mores of business culture. Grow and become a part of a community of like-minded individuals and businesses.
All the long week, speakers, orators and lecturers impart precious insights and experiences that will alter your perception of work ethics and principles. The people around you matter more than your environment. WorkSpace are the perfect hotspots to grow your network and meet interesting motivated individuals.
Be in company of those who’ve already made it big. Influential individuals walk in and out of SOS WorkSpaces every day. And making conversations with them is as simple as: Hello.
Work side by side with other ventures. Synergise. Collaborate and CoCreate with other businesses, and seek bigger opportunities.